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The Refuge

Immersive experience by
Moment Factory
A8esisikak [a-wè-si-zi-kag]
Wildlife habitat

Come visit the den of the man who spoke with wolves. Step into the memories of Michel Pageau, who founded this organization to care for injured wild animals with the aim of returning them to the wild. This playful and interactive experience unfolds across three chapters, and invites you to contemplate their interactions with ecosystems. Here, you’re given the opportunity to discover typical species of the Abitibi region through images created by Anicinabe artist Frank Polson, while listening to animal songs, sounds and calls. Open your eyes and listen carefully. Learn about your role in maintaining the fragile balance between humans and nature.

Refuge Pageau gives shelter to hundreds of injured, sick, or orphaned wildlife each year. It provides them care and, when possible, returns them to the wild. As you follow the trails, you will meet some temporary and permanent ‘residents’, including red squirrels, grey wolves, groundhogs, moose, American robins and bald eagles.

This immersive experience, created for Refuge Pageau by Moment Factory, is a perfect complement to the site, as it explains with respect and sensitivity the harmonious relationships between wildlife and water.

Each visit provides a donation that supports the Refuge Pageau’s mission.

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How to get there

4241, ch. Croteau
Amos (Québec) Canada
J9T 3A1

website Google map

Explore anisipi

The Refuge

Come visit the lair of the man who spoke with wolves. Discover species that are characteristic of the Abitibi region while listening to animal songs, sounds and calls. Learn about your role in maintaining the fragile balance between humans and nature.

Refuge Pageau Pointeur
The Tee-pee

Under the tee-pee, discover the faces of the community of Pikogan who bring to life this site. Join the circle and listen to the reflections of the people who walked on the water.

Tipi Pointeur
The Well

Explore the depths of the municipal well through a unique immersive experience. A striking choreography of sound and light invites you to follow the course of the underground river that runs through the esker, where water is of exceptional quality.

Puit Pointeur
Artistic fountains

The circuit of artistic fountains is a very pleasant way to discover sixteen communities of the vast Amos-Harricana region.

Fontaines artistiques Pointeur
Fontaines artistiques Pointeur
Fontaines artistiques Pointeur
Fontaines artistiques Pointeur
Fontaines artistiques Pointeur
Fontaines artistiques Pointeur
Fontaines artistiques Pointeur
Fontaines artistiques Pointeur
Fontaines artistiques Pointeur
Fontaines artistiques Pointeur
Fontaines artistiques Pointeur
Fontaines artistiques Pointeur
Fontaines artistiques Pointeur
Fontaines artistiques Pointeur
Fontaines artistiques Pointeur
Fontaines artistiques Pointeur
Covered bridges

Discover three covered bridgesdedicated to the builders of our region; soon they will be among your favorite spots for picnics with family, your loved one or friends.

Pont couvert Pointeur
Pont couvert Pointeur
Pont couvert Pointeur
Esker interpretation pavillon and trail

Amidst the Harricana forest, some 6 km from St-Mathieu-d’Harricana, the trails of this beautiful site leads to a spring water source.

Pavillon Pointeur
Exhibition of banners

These banners, vivid and colorful, are posted downtown Amos and on the bridge.

Oriflamme Pointeur
Route of water-inspired quotes

A selection of quotes engraved on aluminum plates adorn the façade of businesses in downtown Amos.

Parcours citatif Pointeur
MRC Amos